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End of Nations - EU Takeover & the Lisbon Treaty

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Earthfiles Team

Anmeldedatum: 23.04.2005
Beiträge: 3504

BeitragVerfasst am: 18.05.2008, 16:31    Titel: End of Nations - EU Takeover & the Lisbon Treaty Antworten mit Zitat

End of Nations - EU Takeover & the Lisbon Treaty

We set out to make a video about the pros and cons of the Lisbon Treaty and found out to our horror the lies, manipulations and deceit behind the EU. From MEPs, legal experts and EU researches the true nature of the EU unfolded, how it really operates from behind closed doors and away from prying eyes. We discovered the massive power grab away from citizens and nations to the elites that is being proposed in this treaty. Most shocking of all was how our elected representatives are willingly handing us over to this emerging Totalitarian Superstate by deception , propaganda and outright lies. This video details how the structures of the EU really operate, what the full significance of the Lisbon Treaty is and how it is the end of Nations within in the EU. MEPs describe their experience in Brussels and how they are undermined by the real power of the unelected and unaccountable Eurocrats who run the organization. How the politicians are working together for their own selfish needs while being used for a bigger agenda.

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